Our Jobs

Brewie – development of and automated home brewery

In this project we set up the control unit of the automated home brewery (Brewie). During the development, we installed and own Linux system to the motherboard which controls brewing and which is able to use a serial port to communicate with the units of Brewie (for example circulator pump, thermometers etc.). We also implemented a possibility to control the brewing on a touch screen placed on Brewie. So we created a GUI in QT/QML, and then we implemented the communication process between the control unit and the display. At last, but not least: we developed a web interface which enables the remote control of Brewie.

TFSZ Kft. – improvement of control technology for the iHOME system

During this project we adapted various control technology tools to the iHOME (smart house) system, which was developed by our customer. Our choice fell on LeapMotion and Myo. We implemented the management of the following controllable equipment with both tools: turning the light on and off, rolling the shutter up and down, switching the air-conditioning on and off.


Euronet Zrt. – Creating a predictive text input function with the help of InterpreterGlove

The aim of the project: to upgrade the InterpreterGlove developed by Euronet Zrt. with a predictive text input function. In the course of the development, the data coming from InterpreterGlove are recognised on a smart phone using Android. Based on the input signals, the processing is done with the help of DAKTIL, the deaf alphabet. The recognised letters can be displayed on the screen of the mobile phones or on the Vuzix M100 smart glasses. Words are stored based on the signing habits of the user, and these are taken into consideration to choose the proper word immediately. The integrated word database can be modified by the user.

Exicom Rendszerház Kft. – Real-time modelling of two hands and arms

Our customer requested the development of the so-called “plank” model, where the positions of two 9DoF chips are calculated against a third, stationary 9DoF chip. We created a model to model the movement of the human shoulder in its entirety.

Euronet Zrt. – Digitalising hand movements

We created a glove for the customer which is able to record every single movement of the hand. We placed 12 9DoF chips in the glove, which reflect the hand movements with a slight delay in digital format. The calculation for the mathematical modelling of hand movements was also placed into an easily wearable control unit. The control unit provides power to the glove and it also creates Bluetooth connection to external devices. As most of the calculations take place in the control unit, the digital visualization of the hand can also be displayed on a smart phone.